
“Break the silence on social injustice” in Rwanda

Governance for Africa has created a platform for general public as well as victims and survivors speak out, share ideas on ending social injustice. It is in this regard we organised ‘Talk Shows’ which will be happening twice a months.

The first Talk show discussions with our panelists will focus on the following agenda:

1. Define broadly the practical violence against women ad all its forms,

-Define domestic violence in existing laws, go beyond well-documented and severe physical abuse and explicitly include other forms of violence, such as violating women’s right to self-determination of their bodies and sexual life, their rights for reproductive health, psychological abuse, and economic exploitation and control, so that all these forms of violence can be addressed effectively.

-Bridge the gap between existing laws and their implementation based on the culture so that women suffering from gender-based violence in de facto marriages, cohabitating partnerships, and other intimate relations will also be able to realize their legal rights.

2. What changes are needed to prevent VAW and to contribute to a decrease in the prevalence of violence?

-Break gender stereotypes: Redefine strength & masculinity: Fight sexual objectification of women.

-Challenge harmful social norms: examine the unhealthy messages society internalize about gender, connect social expectations to changing physiology and psychology throughout adolescence, develop an understanding of sexual harassment and violence and challenge gender norms in their own personal growth and development
– How to Engage/put pressure on government organizations responsible for addressing gender/ violence against women and lawmakers to increase political will.

2. How women can prevent themselves from violence, get help and how to cope.

– Challenge harmful social norms through images that counter the objectification of women, alternative forms of non-violent, gender equitable masculinities that are based on peace, caring and positive communication.


Date: Thursday, 18th/January/2018

Venue: Innovation village, Library room (Kacyiru at Kigali Public Library)

Time:5:30 PM (17h30)

The panelist are: